Questionnaire Text

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Questions are asked to persons 10 years of age and above
[Questions 22 to 26 were asked of persons 10 years or older.]

[27] What is the living arrangement of [the respondent]?

Only for children below 16 years of age. [Encircle one of the appropriate codes for children less than 16 years]
[] 1 Mother / father
[] 2 Mother
[] 3 Father
[] 4 Father and stepmother
[] 5 Mother and stepfather
[] 6 Other relative
[] 7 Employer
[] 8 Other relative ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Column 27: Who is [the respondent] living with?
(Ask only persons younger than aged 16 years old)

[] 1 Parents
[] 2 Mother
[] 3 Father
[] 4 Father and step-mother
[] 5 Mother and step-father
[] 6 Other relative
[] 7 Person who hired
[] 8 Other

Ask children who are under 16 years old with whom they are living or under whose custody they are and specify it as described below:

1. Parents - If any counting children under 16 years are living with their parents, circle the reference 1. Also circle the reference 1 if they have stepmothers in the family including their parents.

2. Mother - if any children under 16 years are living with only their mothers, circle the reference 2.

[Image is omitted]

3. If any children under 16 years are living with only their father, circle the reference 3.

4. If any children under 16 years are living with their father and stepmother, circle reference 4. If the family also have a stepfather, including their own father and a stepmother, circle the reference 4.

[Image is omitted]

5. Mother and stepfather - If any children under 16 years are living with their own mother and stepfather, circle the reference 5. Besides their own mother and stepfather, even if there is stepmother, too, circle the reference 5.

6. Other relative - If any children under 16 years old are not living with the above relatives (options from 1-5), but in the custody of other relatives (brother, sister, uncle, aunt, grandparents, maternal uncle or auntie, or any other relatives), circle the reference 6.

7. Person who hired - Any children under 16 years old are living in a family that hires domestic workers for household chores.

Here a domestic worker means the person who has been hired for household chores by giving a salary/wage (cash, or goods, or both, or any other kind of remuneration).

8. Others - If any children, under 16 years old did not mark options 1-7, circle the reference 8 and specify the custodian of that family (e.g. non-relative, friend, friend's parents).

[Image is omitted]