Questionnaire Text

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Questions are asked to persons 10 years of age and above
[Questions 22 to 26 were asked of persons 10 years or older.]

[26] What was the reason for usually not working during the last 12 months by [the respondent]?

For question 26, Q 22: [1+2+3+4+5] less than 6.
[Question 26 was answered by people who indicated less than a total of 6 months within responses agricultural (1), salary/wage (2), own economic enterprise (3), extended economic (4) or are seeking work in question 22.]
[] 1 Student
[] 2 House work
[] 3 Aged
[] 4 Pension
[] 5 Physically and mentally handicapped
[] 6 Sickness or chronic illness
[] 7 Others ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Work, economic activity, economically active/inactive manpower (columns 22-26)
Five questions from columns 22-26 are related to economic and non-economic activities. Ask these questions to the people usually living in the family and aged 10 years or older.

Column 26: What is the reason of [the respondent] for not being economically active in the last 12 months?
(Ask who have a sum less than six months in options 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of column 22)

[] 1 Study
[] 2 Household chores
[] 3 Old age
[] 4 Pension/revenue
[] 5 Disability
[] 6 Illness or chronic disease
[] 7 Other
[p. 95]

Usually not working (any economic or extended economic activity) in the last 12 months means not earning in the last 12 months or earning income for less than six months. Ask the main reason for not earning income regularly in the last 12 months, and circle the related reference number.

While asking the respondent this question, ask them why did not do any of the economic activities stated in the census (column 22, reference 1, 2, 3, and extended economic activities of reference 4, or the search for job of reference 5) or why worked for less than six months if he did.

The possible reasons for not working or working for less than 6 months have been stated above (reference 1-6 of this column). If there are any other reason that stated above, circle the reference "7. other" and specify the reason.

The description of above stated reasons are:-
1. Study - Because of studying in school, campus or any other education or training institution regularly, either with enrollment or not, if the person was unable to do any usual economic or extended economic activity in the last 12 months, circle the reference 1 to indicate it. In this situation, the number of months would be more in the reference 7 (study) of column 22.

But, there might be the possibility of going to school/college/ university in the morning and evening or studying for some time to take a private examination and rest of the time they might be doing income generation work, and this should be identified clearly. In this situation, the reason for not working could be other, not study.

2. Household chores - Household chores are such type of services that are done at home for self or for other family members - e.g. cooking, feeding, washing, cleaning, care work, teaching children or providing education, etc. and there is no direct economic benefits from doing such duties. Circle the reference 2 to indicate household chores for self or family members as the reason for being unable to do any economic activity in the last 12 months.

[Image is omitted]

However, some other production works that can be done at home. For instance, firewood collection, fetching water, food production at home or in other places and processing it or grinding, hammering in home or in mill or stitching/weaving sweater, spilling sacred cotton thread, weaving of bamboo basket, straw mat or making processed pickle, titaura, masyaura, etc. are extended economic works and should not be put under household chores. The production for household use might not give direct economic benefit, but it helps to save by cutting expenses and should be put under extended economic activities. Only the activities of service by family members that are used for the family consumption can be considered non-economic activities and should be counted under household chores. The person doing such works during most of the time in reference time period should be understood, for the purpose of census, as the person doing household chores or no doing any economic activity.

[p. 96]

If anyone has done household chores for most of his time, circle the reference of this column to indicate as a reason for not doing an economic activity.

[Images omitted]

a. In our country, the income generating work of women are generally put under household. Hence, to ensure the response of asked question is not wrong, if any person responded household chores as the work they did, then ask complementary question about what they actually did under household chores. In the column 22, efforts have been made to clarify the economic activity, non-economic activity, and household chores. Therefore, be clear about the description of the works under column 22.

But, if any person has done the above stated household works for others taking salary/ wage, then it is an economic activity. The household chores done for others by taking wage/salary should not be included under household chores. Household chores might have done by anyone, either female or male. Therefore, any domestic worker living in the family as a member without taking salary/wage but doing household chores for living, eating, studying there, then such done by the domestic worker should be taken as an economic activity.

b. If any woman or man, for own purpose or for selling, weaves woolen carpets, sweater, or did these following works by taking a wage, sells milk products, spills the cotton thread, weaves leaf, then these small works are also income generating activities, not household chores. If any person has done such work and has taken cash, good, or any other kind of remuneration for doing such works, the total months worked on such activities should be put under the reference "2 salary/wage" of column 22. But do not write it under household chores.

[p. 97]

If reference "2 household chores" of column 26 is circled for the reason for not being economically active in the last 12 months, then the number of months in the reference "6 household chores" of column 22 must be graeter.

3. Old age - If a person is unable to be economically active most of the time in the last 12 months because of old age, circle the reference 3. There might be other reasons also for not doing economic activity by old people. Therefore, ask clearly the respondent the reason and circle the appropriate reference number.

4. Pension/rent - If any person has received a pension regularly for his previous work in any office or organization or has lived from rents (from inherited assets or assets earned by self), and he was not engaged in any economic activity in the last 12 months (did not work for most of the time), then circle the reference "4. pension/revenue."

[Images are omitted]

5. Disability: If any person usually was unable to work in the last 12 months (did not do an economic activity or did for less than 6 months) due to some physical or mental disability, circle the reference 5 to indicate it.

In other words, because of blindness, unable to move limbs, dumb, or any other mental disability, if a person was unable to do any economic activity or did it less than 6 months in the last year, circle the reference 5.

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6. Illness or chronic disease - If any person was unable to work on an income generating activity or did it less than six months in the last 12 months due to illness or chronic disease, circle the reference 6.

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7. Other - Besides the above stated reason, if any person was unable to do an economic activity due to any other reasons, circle the reference 7 and specify the reason (e.g. beggar, saint, wanderer, traveler, etc.)

Some of the reasons must be stated in this category - A person might be unable to do an income-generating work due to pregnancy or care in pregnancy, maternity or to care for maternity, etc. If any of these reasons for not doing an economic activity, circle the reference 7 and specify the reason.

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