Questionnaire Text

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Questions are asked to persons 10 years of age and above
[Questions 22 to 26 were asked of persons 10 years or older.]

[22] What work [the respondent] usually did during the last 12 months?

[] 1 Agriculture
____ months
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Work, economic activity, economically active/inactive manpower (columns 22-26)
Five questions from columns 22-26 are related to economic and non-economic activities. Ask these questions to the people usually living in the family and aged 10 years or older.

Column 22: what works did [the respondent] do in the last 12 months and how much time did you spend for each work?

1. Agriculture / own farming: months _ _
2. Salary / wage: months _ _
3. Own business (non-agricultural): months _ _
4. Extended economic activities: months _ _
5. Job search: months _ _
6. Household works / activities: months _ _
7. Study (student): months _ _
8. Did not work: months _ _
Total: 12 months

In this questions there are two sections - In the past 12 months (reference duration) a. What works did you do? And, b. How much time did you spend for each work?

For the first section (what works did you do?), the work has been divided into seven different types of work. Even if a person has spent most of the time doing only one work in the past 12 months (12 months before the date of enumeration), he or she might have done other works also for a short time period. Hence, in the appropriated column, the works engaged (reference number 1-7) and no work (reference number 8) during the reference period (past 12 months) should be written in months. Therefore, the work refers to the work done most of the time in the past 12 months and the other works done for shorter period of time.

The time taken for each month means the duration or the total number of months taken from each work, whether it is work done most of the time or the works done for a shorter period of time.

Ask the family members aged 10 or above usually living in the family what works they did in the past 12 months and how many months did they spend for each work. Then write the duration of each work done in months. A person might have done different works in the past 12 months. Ask the work's nature as per the given seven categories and write the duration of each work in months. If a person stayed without doing any work, ask him/her how many months he/she stayed in that situation and write the response in the section of reference 8 "did not work".

The above categorization can also be divided into four sections.

1. Economic activities: 1. agriculture / own farming
1. Economic activities: 2. salary / wage
1. Economic activities: 3. own business (non-agriculture)

2. Extended economic activities: 4. extended economic activities: production of goods works done by family members for the consumption of the family. (E.g. firewood collection, fetching water, food production at home or in other places and processing it, stitching/weaving sweater, weaving of bamboo basket, straw mat, etc., are extended economic works).

[p. 74]

3. Job search: 5. seeking employment: the situation or duration of seeking or looking for any kind of economic activities related to the sequence number 1 above.

4. Non-economic activities: 6. household activities: unpaid service provided by family members for the consumption of the family (e.g. cooking, washing, cleaning, care work, etc.)
4. Non-economic activities: 7. study (student)
4. Non-economic activities: 8. did not work

Some persons may not have done the same work for twelve months permanently like government and NGOs personnel. In this situation, it would be easy to take the information on the works that the person has done in the following way.

- First, identify the months a person has spent to perform the economic activities [1. agriculture/own farming; 2. salary/wage; 3. own business (non-agriculture)] and confirming the months write it in the related space. If the person has spent the whole twelve months in the last one year doing an economic activity, do not ask further about the months taken for his or her extend economic activities, job seeking or household activities.

- If the person has spent less than 12 months performing an economic activity, then ask him or her whether they did extended economic activities (e.g. firewood collection, fetching water, food production at home or in other places and processing it, stitching/weaving sweater, weaving of bamboo basket, straw mat, making pickle and other processed food items etc. for household purpose). If he or she did, ask him/her about the months spent doing such works and write the months in related space.

If the total months come to be 12 months for 1. agriculture/ own farming; 2. salary/ wage; 3. own business (non-agriculture), and extended economic works the person did, there is no need to ask the months for job search, household tasks, and study the person did.

- If the total duration of the economic works and extended economic works the person performed is less than 12 months, then ask whether the person was seeking any job in leisure time and how many months were spend for job search, and write the response (i.e. the months) in related space. If the total duration of the economic works, extended economic works, and job seeking time is 12 months, then do not ask the general household task or study that the person has pursued.

- If the total period of economic works, extended economic works, and job seeking time is less than 12 months, the person must has spent rest of the time in non-economic activities (household tasks or study) or stayed without doing any work. In that condition, ask how many months the person has spent for household tasks (e.g. cooking, washing, cleaning, care work, etc. for household purposes) or study or without doing any work and write the response in related column.

Remember: The total sum of the months in these given categories must come to be 12 months.

The above stated works have been detailed as follows:
1. Agriculture/own farming - Own farming means the farming/agriculture works for which the person has invested his capital (cash/goods), labor, and risked himself the loss and profit. Such agricultural/farming works could be in his own land or rented land, but may be the case where the respondent or the members of the family work on it. If he/she worked in others' farming activities by taking wages as laborer, then, such time spent should be counted under salary/wage, not under the agriculture/own farming.

Agriculture/farming should be understood as all kinds of agricultural works. All the details below come under agriculture activity.

[p. 76]

Agriculture activities -

1. Works related to the production of food crops (paddy, wheat, maize, millet, etc.), cash crops (sugar cane, jute, tobacco, tea, coffee, etc.), vegetable, fruits (orange, banana, mango, jackfruit, pineapple, apple, guava, etc.), pulse crops, oil crops, and spices.

2. Works related to livestock rearing (e.g. cow, buffalo, sheep, goat, pigs, rabbit, poultry, etc.)

3. Works related to fisheries, such as constructing pond, nursery collection, food collection and conservation.

4. Works related to vegetation, such as planting trees, grass, weeding and protection, etc. Similarly, bee hiving, sericulture, horticulture, etc. are also agriculture works.

[Images are omitted]

[p. 77]


- Manufacturing industries (e.g. works which pay salary/wage by working in food producing industries, grinding mill, bamboo items production workshops, saw mill) come under salary/wage, not under agriculture/farming.

- Working in others' farm or land as wage laborer also falls under salary/wage, not under agriculture.

If the enumerated person has worked in his own agriculture/farming in the last 12 months, ask him/her how many months he has worked in agriculture/farming and write the months in number. Other members of the family might also have worked jointly in the agriculture/farming.
If the agriculture/farming works done by taking payment (cash or goods), salary, wage, specify the months of working for the person in reference 2, not in reference 1.