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Household Information

[8] Does any female member of the HH own house in any part of Nepal?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [If no, go to number 11]
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Household information

Question 8: Is there any house in the name of a woman of the family anywhere in the Nepal?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

House means any house that is made with any kind of materials for the purpose of living or for any other purpose in any district or place in Nepal.

For the purpose of the question 8, ask the family whether they have any house in the name or ownership of women (one or more women) of the family, and circle the related reference accordingly. If there is house in the name of any of the female members of the family, circle the reference 1 and if they do not have, circle the reference 2.

[Image is omitted]

[p. 32]

Female of the household refers to a female who usually lives in the enumerated household - e.g. household head, mother of the head, wife, daughter, sisters, sister-in-law, niece, aunt, granddaughter, mother-in-law etc. or other family member who is not relative of the household head. If a house is in the name of one or more than one female members, then circle the reference 1 to denote the "yes."

Female ownership household means that a female of the household has received or got the dwelling through any means such as inheritance, given by the family as a reward/dowry, pension, earned, loaned, or other.

Dowry/reward means that a fixed or movable asset (or added assets through it) that has been given to a female or women by her husband or other relatives and friends from the side of the husband is considered as a reward. If such fixed or moveable assets (or added assets through it) have been given by her mother/father side, then it is termed as a dowry.