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Household Information

[3] What is the main source of drinking water in your household?

[] 1 Tap / pipe
[] 2 Tube well / hand pump
[] 3 Covered well / kuwa
[] 4 Uncovered well / kuwa
[] 5 Spout water
[] 6 River / stream
[] 7 Other ____
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Household information

Question 3: what is the main source of drinking water of the family?

[] 1 Tap / piped
[] 2 Tube well/ hand pump
[] 3 Covered well / kuwa
[] 4 Uncovered well / kuwa
[] 5 Spout water
[] 6 River / stream
[] 7 Other

Family's source of drinking water means the place or source from where the family fetch/brings water for the purpose of cooking and drinking. Source of drinking water differs in places and they also differs as per the weather change. While specifying the source, the much used source for drinking water should be specified.

[p. 27]

Some of the main drinking water sources are tap, well, kuwa, and tube well. In this question, we are looking to know the water sources that people are using for drinking or cooking food. We are not looking to know the water sources that are in use for livestock, washing, cleaning, irrigation, and other purpose. Therefore, the sources of water that are in use for other purposes should not be specified here.

The sources of water that people are using for drinking or cooking purpose can be of following types:

1. Tap / piped - If the family are using the water sources that comes from the tap/ pipe (metal or polythene), which are distributed with collection and purification either by private or public sector or from both, establishing a distribution system, then circle the reference one to specify the tap/piped source.

2. Tube well / hand pump - If the family is using underground water by pumping through tube well/roar or hand plumb, jet pump, then circle the reference 2 to specify such drinking water sources.

In some places, even people are using motor to pump the ground water to the reserve tank and link it to the tap / pipe. Such use of water should not be considered as tap/ piped, but from tube well/ pump and should make circle in reference 2.

3. Covered well / kuwa - If the family mostly is using drinking water from covered well / kuwa, circle the reference 3. It is believed that the water contained in covered well is comparatively better than the uncovered well.

4. Uncovered well / kuwa - If the family mostly is using drinking water from uncovered well / kuwa, circle the reference 4.

Nowadays, people are using tap/ piped water for cleaning and washing and bring jar water for the purpose of drinking. The purpose of this question is to identify the main source of drinking water. Therefore, if the people are using tap/ piped water other than drinking purpose or for only cleaning and washing in household use and they use jar water for drinking, then reference 7 "others" should be marked with circle.

5. Spout water - If the family fetches the drinking water primarily from spout water (or Pandhero), circle the reference 5.

6. River/stream - If the family fetches the drinking or cooking water mostly from a river, canal, stream etc., circle the reference 6.

7. Others - Besides the source stated above, if the family fetch the drinking or cooking water from other sources such as pond, tanker or jar/bottle, circle the reference 7 and specify the source.