Questionnaire Text

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11. Are any persons absent from the household living in other countries?
[] 1 Yes (go to question 12)
[] 2 No (skip to Individual Information)
[] 3 Don't know (skip to Individual Information)

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Q.11 : Are any absent members in the household abroad?
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 3. Don't Know

If 2 or 3 members are absent, then personal description question should not be asked

Absent from the household or gone abroad : If any member of the household, whose enumeration is being done, has left within the last 6 months or more, or has left a few days before the count but for the duration of 6 months or more, he/she is absent and has gone abroad. Those member/s who have left for less than 6 months for religious visits, health treatment, tourism/visit, or business purpose need not to be included in "Gone Abroad". They should be regarded as in the household and counted.

The information regarding whether the member of the household has gone abroad or not should be taken. If anyone has gone abroad, code 1 should be marked and a detail description should be written, as stated in Q.12. If nobody has gone abroad, then code 2 should be marked. If the member of the household is absent but proper information is not known regarding where he/she has gone, then in that case 3 ("Don't Know") should be marked. Q.12 need not to be asked if code 2 or 3 is marked in Q.11.

If the member of the household who has gone abroad has daughter/son born abroad, in such case the counting of son/ daughter need not to be included.