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8. Do female members of HH personally own any livestock/cattle?
[] 1 Yes (specify)

[] 1 Big heads ____
[] 2 Small heads ____

[] 2 No

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Q.8 : Do female members of household personally own any livestock/cattle?
[] 1. Yes (Specify)

[] 1. Big Heads........
[] 2. Small Heads..........

[] 2. No

Domestic livestock/cattle means - Cow/ox, calf, buffalo, lamb, horse, ass, sheep, goat, pig, rabbit etc., which is domesticated for farming or used for transportation purpose.

Such domestic cattle that a woman has owned through her parental right, Pewa, dowry, earned by herself, obtained from the loan, or through other means refers to a woman's own cattle.

If the cattle are owned by one woman or more in the household or if cattle is given to others under any condition, then 1 ("Yes") should be marked and all of women's cattle in total - including big heads and small heads - should be specified separately. If no women in the household own domestic livestock/cattle then 2 ("No") should be marked.

1. As stated above in Q.7. and Q.8., if any woman or women owns a house, land and cattle inherited through parental right, Pewa, dowry or self earned (including Pension) or obtained by taking loan till the day of count, then it should be specified as "Yes". Any woman of the household who doesn't own such property till the day of count should be specified as "No".

2. When counting the total number of domestic cattle, as per above definition in Q.5. (for farming and transportation purpose), both big domestic cattle (cow, ox, buffalo etc.) and small domestic cattle (sheep, goat, pig, rabbit, etc.) should be specified separately. While writing all types of livestock/cattle owned by women in the household on the day of the count either in the shade of the house or outside in the field for grazing, they should be added up, and the big and small heads should be specified separately.