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1. What is the type of the house occupied by the household?
[] 1 Permanent
[] 2 Semi permanent
[] 3 Temporary
[] 4 Others ____

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Q.1 : What type of the house is being used by this household?
[] 1. Permanent
[] 2. Semi-Permanent
[] 3. Temporary
[] 4. Others

House - House is generally a place which is being used by people to live in, having four walls on the all four sides, a roof and one or more room or storey.

Type of house - This indicates the materials used in building the house, wall, roof etc.

Houses are of different shapes, sizes, types and kinds. All houses might not have four walls. Some houses are made on the support of other houses' walls or on cliffs.

In some cases a house might be divided into two houses by raising a partition wall. For entry and exit there is a separate door. For counting purposes, include all types such as: hut, house, building, bungalow, and flat mean a house. The ownership of the house can be of one's own or of others. If a household has been using more than one house for residence, then the main house of residence should be taken as the source for description. If a household is staying in a rented house and had rented/leased its own house to others or has left it empty, then the description of rented/house at the time of enumeration should be noted.

Classifying the type of house is on the basis of wall/roof construction.

[An example has been omitted.]

On the basis of permanent and semi-permanent materials is described as -
Permanent wall - Stones, bricks, cement, blocks etc. are mixed up with mud/ cement - then the wall is concrete.

Permanent roof - Steel roof, tiles, slate, concrete roof are considered as concrete roof.

Temporary wall - Walls made up of mud coat over plank or mud brick, hay or bamboo are considered to be temporary walls.

Temporary roof - Roofs made up of tin, plastics, hay mud or with the plank of container are considered to be temporary roofs.

For the enumeration purpose, as stated above on the basis of structures, houses are divided in 4 classes:
1. Permanent House - The house is considered to be concrete if the outer wall and roof are both made up of concrete materials.

2. Semi-Permanent House - If either the wall or the roof, but not both, are made up of concrete materials, then that house is regarded as a semi-permanent. If the house has concrete walls but temporary roof, then the house is semi- permanent. Likelwise, if the outer walls are temporary but roof is concrete, then that house is semi-permanent.

3. Temporary House - If the walls and roof of the house are made up of temporary materials, then that sort of house is regarded as a temporary house.

4. Others - A place of living that is built up of hay, plastics, bamboo, tent etc. is stated as "other". Similarly made huts or same-kind living places are regarded as "other".

To disclose the type of house, concrete, semi-permanent, temporary and others should be marked as 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively.

Note - The classification of concrete and temporary should be done on the basis of major construction material used - if more than one material is used in the wall or roof. As defined above, the house should be classified as concrete and temporary depending on the majority of materials used in its construction.