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[Questions 19-31 were asked of persons age 10 or older]

23. If [the person] does not work, and did not look for work, what does [the person] do?

[] 1 Only studies
[] 2 Housework
[] 3 Is pensioned/retired/collects rent or investment income
[] 4 Is permanently disabled
[] 5 Is elderly
[] 6 Other

Continue to question 25

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This is when a person spends at least one hour a week performing any economic activity and earns profits, wages, or a salary or another type of payment in money or in kind, or as an unpaid worker.

Not work
  • Unpaid household tasks and work on a person's own dwelling.

  • Unpaid volunteer work for a church, fire department or other non-profit institution.

  • Work done by persons who are involuntarily confined to an institution such as a jail, sanitarium, asylum, penal farm, etc.

For persons age 10 or older (Questions 19-31)

Economically inactive population (PEI)


Studies only
This is a person who did not work or look for work during the reference week because s/he was studying. If the person helped with housework in addition to studying, s/he should still be classified as a student.

This is for a person who only did housework in his/her own home. This person does not receive a pension or retirement income, is not retired, and does not live off of investment income or rent earnings. This person does not have any economic activity that generates goods or services with or without payment or wages.

Is receiving a pension or retirement income, is retired, or lives off of investment income or rent earnings
This is a person who regularly receives income from a pension, retirement fund, investment income, or rent earnings.

Permanently disabled
This is a person with a physical or mental disability that prevents him/her from performing an economic activity.

This is a person who is not retired, receiving a pension or retirement income, and does not live off of investment income or rent earnings but who is unable to work due to advanced age.

Question 23. If [the person] does not work and did not look for work, what does [the person] do?

Mark an "X" next to the option stated by the informant and go to question 25.