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[Questions 19-31 were asked of persons age 10 or older]

22. [The person] did not look for work because:

[] 1 S/he expects to continue with agricultural work/fishing activities (continue to question 26)
[] 2 Already found work (continue to question 24)
[] 3 Is waiting for an answer from an employer (continue to question 24)
[] 4 Tired of looking for work
[] 5 Does not know where to look for employment
[] 6 There is no work
[] 7 Other

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This is when a person spends at least one hour a week performing any economic activity and earns profits, wages, or a salary or another type of payment in money or in kind, or as an unpaid worker.

Not work
  • Unpaid household tasks and work on a person's own dwelling.

  • Unpaid volunteer work for a church, fire department or other non-profit institution.

  • Work done by persons who are involuntarily confined to an institution such as a jail, sanitarium, asylum, penal farm, etc.

For persons age 10 or older (Questions 19-31)

Question 22. [The person] did not look for work because:

Read the options one by one and mark an "X" next to the one stated by the informant.

If the answer is option 1, "S/he expects to continue agricultural work", go to question 26.

If the question is option 2 or 3, go to question 24.

"Expects to continue agricultural work" is for someone who has worked in agricultural employment, but who is waiting to take up his/her job again because of the season.

"Already found work" refers to a job that will begin within a maximum of 15 days from the interview.

"Is waiting for an answer from an employer" refers to applications for a job made within the last 12 months, and that have been inquired about within the last 30 days.