Questionnaire Text

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Sir/Madam, bearing in mind that a habitual resident is a person who has habitually lived in the household for six months or more, or, that having lived in the household for less time, has the intention of living in the household, tell me:

1. How many persons habitually live in this household, including newborns and elderly persons?
Total _ _
Men _ _
Women _ _

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Permanent resident
This is a person who has lived habitually in the household for six months or more, or who has been there for less time but has the intention of living in the household.

Enumerate the following:
1. Nationals or foreigners who habitually live in the household.
2. Persons who habitually live in the household but who are absent for work or vacation, or for reasons of health, etc.
3. Domestic workers and their family members who habitually live in the household.
4. Newborns and the elderly who are part of the household.

Do not enumerate:
1. Persons who are visiting the household.
2. Persons who were members of the household but who left to live permanently in another place.
3. Persons who are working or studying in another place for six months or more, even if they are considered part of the household.
4. Domestic workers who do not sleep in the household.
5. Foreign diplomats and their families.

Question 1. How many persons habitually live in this household, including newborns and elderly persons?

Before you ask this question read the following to the informant: "Sir/Madam, bearing in mind that a habitual resident is one who has lived habitually in this household for six months or more, or who has been here for a shorter time but has the intention of living in this household, please tell me:"

Use two digits to write the total number of persons, the total number of males and the total number of females. Write a "0" in front of numbers 1-9.