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For persons age 10 or older
[Questions 12-18 were asked of persons age 10 or older]

Working status
13. Last week this person:

[For answers "01"-"07", go to question 15]

[] 01 Worked

Did not work because he/she was:

[] 02 On vacation/leave
[] 03 Sick/receiving subsidy

Did not work because he/she was waiting:

[] 04 To continue agricultural work
[] 05 For replies from an employer
[] 06 For a new job

[] 07 Looked for work having worked before
[] 08 Looked for work for the first time
[] 09 Lives from a pension, is retired or has private means
[] 10 Does housework
[] 11 Is a student
[] 12 Is permanently disabled
[] 13 Other

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Questions only for persons who are age 10 or older
The goals of these questions are to know the current marital status of the persons and the principal economic characteristics of the population that participated in the production of goods and services, as well as those who are dedicated to non-economic activities, such as: household chores, studying, etc.

If the person is younger than 10, continue with the next person.

Question 13: Working status
Last week this person:

With this question we want to know who had work the week previous to the census and who was unemployed.

Before asking this question, be aware of the following definitions:

For the purpose of the census, the following are considered "Work":

a) When the person carried out any economic activity, which means, he/she worked for income, earnings, salary or other type of payment in money or in kind.

b) When the person worked in a business or farm administered by a family member, with the goal of obtaining products for his/her own consumption and that of his/her family (example: a son works without pay in his parents' store, helps with agricultural labor, etc.)

c) When he/she works for his/her own business, professional practice or as an independent worker (self-employed).

d) Any other labor that is carried out during the reference period for which payment is received in money or goods. This includes the work of a seamstress or others carried out in the person's own house for other persons or businesses, as well as food preparation, candy making, etc., which will be sold.

From this question 13, the alternatives "01" to "04" will indicate the number of persons who worked in the week before the census. From the answers "05" to "07" we will obtain the information about those persons who , being part of the economically active population, are unemployed. From the answers of the alternatives "08" to "13" we will obtain the information about the persons considered economically inactive.

For the purpose of the census, the following will not be considered work:

a) The tasks carried out in the household, such as household chores (except the domestic employees who are paid) and activities that persons carry out in their own homes.

b) The tasks of unpaid volunteers in churches, as firemen, or other charitable organizations; also included are the tasks of persons who are involuntarily confined in institutions (prison, sanatoriums, asylums, penal ranches, etc.).

Taking into account the definition of "work", ask the person being enumerated, "What did you do during the majority of the time last week?"
01. Worked:
We consider a person as such who carried out labor, paid or not, during the reference week equivalent to at least one hour of work.

02. Did not work because he/she was on vacation/leave:
You should mark this box if the person during the week before the census, although he/she has a job, did not work because he/she was on vacation or leave.

03. Did not work because he/she was sick/receiving subsidy:
You should mark this box if the person, during the week before the census, although having work, did not work because he/she was receiving a subsidy or was sick.

04. Did not work because he/she was waiting to continue agricultural work:
These are the persons who did not have work during the reference week because they were waiting for the harvesting season, cane cutting season, etc.

05. Was waiting for replies from an employer:
In the reference period these persons did not actively look for work because they had done so and were waiting for an answer.

06. Was waiting to start a new job:
These are the persons who were waiting to soon start a new job because they already had a positive answer from a previous application.

07. Looked for work having worked before:
We consider a person as such who did not have work during the reference week because he/she left his/her job because of being fired or another cause, and during the week he/she actively looked for work. For example: visiting factories, farms, completing applications, looking in newspapers, asking friends or relatives, etc.

08. Looked for work for the first time:
We consider a person as such who has never had a job before and during the reference week actively looked for work or employment for the first time.

09. Lives from a pension, is retired or has private means:
This refers to persons who have retired having completed the period of service in a job and having reached the age established by law, or, who for reasons of illness, accident or other cause, receives a pension. "Has private means" are those who live off of the interest of money in savings accounts, long-term deposits or by renting out dwellings. These persons do not carry out any paid activity.

10. Does housework:
These are the persons who do not carry out any paid activity during the reference week, being exclusively dedicated to household tasks.

11. Is a student:
These are the persons who are exclusively dedicated to attending public school, private school, or university during the reference week, as long as they have not carried out any work.

12. Is permanently disabled:
These are the persons who are totally incapacitated for work due to suffering from some physical or mental impediment.

13. Other:
In this group you will register all of the persons who cannot be placed in any of the previous categories.

Remember that you should only mark one answer.

If the person responded any of the answers "08" to "13", you should continue with question 14. You must continue to mark one of the options, even if it will be "07": "No activity".