Questionnaire Text

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Condition of occupancy
[End of the interview if a choice between 3 and 6 is marked]

2. This dwelling is found:
[] 1 Occupied with inhabitants present
[] 2 Occupied with inhabitants absent
Unoccupied dwelling:

[] 3 For sale or rent
[] 4 For temporary / seasonal use
[] 5 Under construction
[] 6 For another reason

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Concept of dwelling:
This is all places delimited by walls and roof where one or more persons habitually reside, which means that they sleep, prepare food, and are protected from the elements. It also means that the persons can enter or leave the dwelling without passing through another dwelling, using direct access from the street or through a corridor. You should be aware that there are dwellings with one front but in the interior there can be other dwellings, which you will have to enumerate separately.

Question 2: Condition of occupancy
1. Occupied with inhabitants present
This is a house or dwelling in which one or more persons reside in habitual form for the time defined by the census.

2. Occupied, with inhabitants absent
This is a house or dwelling in which one or more persons habitually reside, but at the moment that you pass on your route, the person or persons are not present or you only encounter persons who cannot give the information requested on the Census Form.

In this case, you should note on your route form that you did not enumerate the dwelling because you did not encounter the occupants and you will leave a notice for them. On the notice, you will indicate the date and time at which you will return to do the interview, saving the form for this purpose.

If when you return to the dwelling you encounter the occupants and complete the interview, make a diagonal line over the date and time that you have previously marked to make the return visit and note all of the information that are indicated starting with column 11.

If, on the contrary, when you return to the dwelling the occupants are still absent, you will leave a Citation so that these persons go to be enumerated in the respective office of Census.

3 [to 6]. Unoccupied dwelling
If the dwelling is unoccupied for whatever reason (for rent or sale, seasonal use, under construction or repair, or any other reason) you will note on your Route Form that you did not enumerate the dwelling because it was unoccupied and you will mark the corresponding box, considering the interview concluded. If at the moment that you do the enumeration it is inhabited, you should mark it as unoccupied only if the occupants are vacationers.