NHGISJOIN is a 7-digit numeric variable.
A small number of cases in NAPP cannot be matched to the NHGIS. These are coded as 9999999 in NHGISJOIN. These were non-county areas such as Indian reservations and military installations. There were 6 such counties in 1900 and 1 in 1910.
A small number of counties in NHGIS cannot be matched to NAPP data for the United States. In all cases, these were very small counties that were not captured by the IPUMS sampling procedures. All of these counties contained fewer than 1,000 people; many were administrative areas with no population at all. There were 9 such counties in 1850, 56 in 1860, 32 in 1870, 33 in 1880, 2 in 1900 and 1910, and none in 1920 and 1930.
Explore how IPUMS created this variable
Most IPUMS data transformations are performed using variable harmonization tables that specify how each value in the source data is recoded. Some variables also require programming logic in addition to the harmonization table. The harmonization documents for this variable are:
- Complex/technical variable: contact ipums@umn.edu for details.
NHGISJOIN is a county identifier that can be used to match IPUMS International pre 1950 data with the county-level boundary files and aggregate data from the National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS). The corresponding variable in NHGIS is called "GISJOIN2."
Researchers can use this variable to match IPUMS International pre 1950 data with NHGIS boundary files (to make maps) or to match NHGIS county-level data with NAPP microdata for the United States (to facilitate multi-level analysis). For user convenience, copies of the NHGIS boundary files are available on the IPUMS County Codes page. NHGIS aggregate data are available via the "Data Finder" link on the front page of the NHGIS homepage.
- United States: 1850a, 1850b, 1860, 1870, 1880a, 1880b, 1900, 1910