Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 2 and 4 were asked of private households.]

3. The walls of the house are made of:

[] Cement blocks
[] Bricks
[] Wood/ zinc
[] Adobe blocks
[] Reed/ sticks/ bamboo/ palm tree
[] Weaved sticks (mud and wattle)
[] Tin/ cardboard/ paper/ canvas/ bark
[] Other materials
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
E3. A house is built with walls:
Read the question and each alternative. Wait for the reply. Tick x in the number corresponding to the predominant material in the construction of the walls of the house. We consider the following types of material of wall construction: Concrete Block, Brick Block, Wood/zinc block adobe, reed/sticks/bamboo/palm Paus matic, other materials. There should be only one answer