Questionnaire Text

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For persons 10 years of age and over
[Questions 25-44b were asked of those who are 10 years old or over.]

35b. Usual industry?

[Question 35b was asked of persons who were 10 years old or over and were not looking for work, did house work, were students, or others most of the time during the last 12 months.]

[] Padi
[] Logging/timber
[] Fishing
[] Rubber
[] Other agriculture
[] Manufacturing/construction
[] Commerce
[] Transport/communication
[] Services
[] Others

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Questions 25-44 are to be asked of persons who are 10 years of age and above.

Question 35b
For those persons who worked for most of the last 12 months the broad industry in which they worked are as follows:

Padi - Persons who were engaged in padi planting for most of the time should be marked in this' box. This includes persons involved in home processing of padi.

Logging/Timber - This box is for persons who worked in forest felling, cutting bamboo and cane, looking after forest tree nurseries and timber tracts, etc. (persons working in sawmills should be marked in the manufacturing box).

Fishing - This box is for all types of fishing, that is, ocean, coastal, inland.

Rubber - Include in this box all persons who worked in rubber estates, in smallholdings, in rubber processing on estates and smallholdings, and in any other work connected with the growing, collection and processing of rubber.

Other Agriculture - All persons who were in agricultural activities other than the 4 mentioned above are to be marked in this box.

Manufacturing/Construction - This box includes all kinds of manufacturing (food, clothing, furniture, machinery, etc.). It is also used for persons in the building industry. As such, a person who is engaged in an industry which makes something or is involved in building something will be marked in this box.

[p. 87]

Commerce - This category is for persons who were involved in selling something. This may be wholesale or retail. It also includes persons who were working in banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions.

Transport/Communications - Persons who are involved in any kind of transport work are to be included here (e.g. railways, buses, taxis, trishaws, shipping, air transport). Also included are persons engaged in storage and warehousing.

Persons working in postal services, telephone, telegraph and cable services are also to be marked in this box.

Services - Include persons in the Government service, in the police and military services, in education and in medical and health services. Also include the legal service, business consulting, entertainment, hotels, barbers and other service activities.

Others - This is for all activities which are not included in the above categories. Persons in mining and quarrying will come under this category.