Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For persons 10 years of age and over
[Questions 25-44b were asked of those who are 10 years old or over.]

35a. What did you do most of the time during the last 12 months?

[] Employer
[] Employee
[] Own account worker
[] Unpaid family worker
[] Looking for work (Skip to 36)
[] House work (Skip to 36)
[] Student (Skip to 36)
[] Other (Skip to 36)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 25-44 are to be asked of persons who are 10 years of age and above.

Questions 25-34 record information on work or employment of a person. Be sure to explain to the respondent that you are only concerned with the period of 7 days prior to the day of interview.

Question 35a
This question is concerned with what the person did for most of the last 12 months. If he worked, you are to record his employment status (whether as an employer, employee, own-account worker or unpaid family worker) and the broad type of industry he was engaged in for most of the time (such as, padi, logging/timber, fishing, rubber, other agriculture, manufacturing/construction, commerce, transport/communication, services and others).

You are to note that Question 35 is concerned with the person's main activity over the last 12 months whereas Questions 25-34 are confined to the 7 days just before the date of interview.

For the employment status categories refer to Question 31 for their definitions.

The remaining categories are defined as follows:

Looking for work -This is meant for those who had been looking for work most of the time during the 12 month reference period.

Housework -Record here those persons whose main activity was to look after the children and keep house. They may also have helped in a family business or farm (such as, helped to plant padi, tap rubber, etc.). However, as long as they spent most of their time looking after the house you are to record them in this category.

Student -This is for students who attended school.

Others -This is for all other persons.