Questionnaire Text

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I. Characteristics of the housing unit

15. Utilities: In this housing unit, is there a:

Read all options and circle one code only for each option
Water tank?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
15. Extended questionnaire
This section of the questionnaire contains the questions you must apply in the households you have registered as: Single house on the land, house sharing land with other(s); duplex house; apartment in a building; housing unit in neighborhood or tenement and housing unit in the rooftop room of a building. That is, with classes 1 to 6 of private housing unit class.

14. Unpiped water
The question allows for identifying where people who do not have piped water in their homes obtain it and, consequently, have to carry it or have it delivered in another way. So this question applies to homes where there are no pipes, faucets, or hoses from where water can be obtained.

Read the question and each of the options until you get an answer and mark the corresponding code.

Consider the following definitions and criteria:

[Figure omitted: image with text]

A well is an excavation from where water is obtained. It can be located in or away from the housing unit; it can be their own, from a neighbor, or communal. The important thing is that the residents remove the water from there to transport it to their homes using buckets or other containers.

A community faucet is a water tap located in a public space, where people carry the liquid to their homes with buckets or other containers.

[Images omitted]

Another housing unit means that the residents get their water from a neighbor who has piped water, carrying it.

They carry it from a river, stream, or lake when people remove the liquid from these places and take it in containers to their homes.

[p. 244]

[Images omitted]

It is brought by a water pipe, when a water truck carries it to or near the housing unit, depositing it in basins or drums; residents then take it with buckets, pails, or other containers.

[Image omitted]

Rainwater harvesting is the situation in which the residents of the housing unit accumulate this water in drums, basins, or other containers and then carry it away to use in their daily activities.

Remember that if the water obtained from wells, another home, a pipe, or rainwater is stored in cisterns, reservoirs, pools, or water tanks that have pipes or hoses to supply water to other facilities in the home and, therefore, do not have to carry it, then it is piped water.

If necessary, clarify this situation with the respondent, since it is very important to know if they have to carry water or not, regardless of the source of the liquid, which will be registered with the question water supply or unpiped water.

[p. 245]

The question unpiped water is presented in the census manager as follows:
[Figure omitted: image with text]