Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
I. Characteristics of the housing unit

4. Kitchen: Does this housing unit have a room for cooking?

Circle one code only

[] 1 Yes
[] 3 No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
15. Extended questionnaire
This section of the questionnaire contains the questions you must apply in the households you have registered as: Single house on the land, house sharing land with other(s); duplex house; apartment in a building; housing unit in neighborhood or tenement and housing unit in the rooftop room of a building. That is, with classes 1 to 6 of private housing unit class.

II. Use of space

4. Kitchen
This question seeks to know if the housing unit has a room or space for food preparation.

A housing unit has a room or space for cooking when there is a stove or fireplace in one of them to prepare or heat food, even if it is also used as a bedroom, living room, or dining room, among others.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

[p. 223]

It is considered that the housing unit does not have a room for cooking when it does not have a heater, stove, portable oven, or grill or when it is located in a corridor or corridor outside the housing unit, under a roof, or in the open air.

[Image omitted]

The kitchen question is presented in the census manager as follows:

[Figure omitted: image with text]