Questionnaire Text

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40. Mode of transportation to work
How does [the respondent] usually get to work?
[Circle up to three codes]

[] 1 Bus, taxi, or collective transport
[] 2 Subway, electric bus, or light rail
[] 3 Private vehicle (car, truck or motorcycle)
[] 4 School bus
[] 5 Bicycle
[] 6 Walking
[] 7 Other
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
40. Mode of transportation to work
This question identifies how the person is transported to work. Read the question and circle the answer given by the informant. Take into account that you can circle up to three transportation means when those are used in the same way.

[Figures are omitted]

For example, there are people who take a truck, then take the subway and then walk to their job. In this case, circle all three media.

When the informant indicates that some days he/she uses a determined transportation mean and other days he/she uses another different transportation mean, ask him/her to identify the one used most often.

If the answer is trolleybus circle code 1 "bus, taxi, or collective transport".

If the informant mentioned a mode of transportation not included in the options, circle code 7 "other".