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39. Commute time to work
How long does [the respondent] take to get to his/her work?
[Circle one code]

[] 1 Around 15 minutes
[] 2 Between 16 and 30 minutes
[] 3 Between 31 minutes and 1 hour
[] 4 More than an hour to two hours
[] 5 More than 2 hours
[] 6 It is not possible to tell how long
[] 7 Does not commute [skip to question 41]

[p. 9]
[Continue if the person is 12 or more years old]

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
39. Commute time to work
This question identifies how long the person takes regularly to go from home to work. Pay attention to the answer to circle the corresponding code to the time. For example, if the person declares 10 minutes ,circle code 1 "Until 15 minutes"; or if the person says an hour and a half, circle code 4 "More than an hour to two hours".

[Figures are omitted]

Maybe the informant declares an answer in non-numerical terms, so consider the following information:

[] A quarter hour equals 15 minutes
[] Half an hour equals 30 minutes
[] Three quarters of an hour equals 45 minutes

Circle code 6 "It is not possible to tell how long" when it is not possible to calculate the commuting time because the person does not go to a fixed workplace, as the case of drivers, taxi drivers, or salesman door to door.

Circle code 7 "Does not commute" when people work at home and go to question 41 "Unpaid activities".

Note that the commuting time includes the time from when the person leaves the house until he/she arrives to the workplace, regardless of how the person does this journey. Include the time spent to go to transportation, the waiting time for transportation, and transportation time in the transport mean (the transportation mean can be public or private with motor, animal traction, or manual traction) even if the person goes cycling or walking.

Do not count the time that the person spend in other "activities on the way", whether these activities are performed by the person or by the person who takes or accompanies him/her, such as going to play a sport, take children to school, or stop to buy a drink or some food. Ask how long the person would take to go to the workplace if he/she goes directly to that place.

If the person does not go from home to workplace, instead he/she goes from the school or elsewhere, ask how long the person would take if he/she goes from home.