Questionnaire Text

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34. Income from work
How much does [the respondent] earn in that job? (From selling their harvest, animals, or derivatives, commissions, etc.)
[Record the amount and circle one code for the period]

________ [record in Mexican pesos]

How often?

[] 1 Weekly
[] 2 Biweekly
[] 3 Monthly
[] 4 Yearly
[] 5 Does not get remunerated in money
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34. Income from work
This question identifies the amount of income that people receive from his work. To know this information, ask for the amount of money earned and the period in which it is received. Read the question, listen to the response, records the amount and circle a code for the time period. If the person only mentions the amount, ask "how often do you receive the money?", to obtain the time period.

[Figures are omitted]

Note that workers receive their payment for their jobs in different ways, such as:

[] Wages, salary, or piecework pay when the person works for an employer, company, or business.
[] Gain or commissions when the person own the business (he is employer or self-employed) and he/she gets profit when he/she sells processed products, animals, products derived from animals, crops, or payments by offered services.
[] The person receives commissions for made sales.

When people are dedicated to the field, cultivation, or animal breeding, ask them to consider the profit or payment the money earned for made sales, even when these are seasonal. When the answer is that the person receives a million pesos or more, scores 888,888 and circle the corresponding time period. When the person is an unpaid worker and therefore he/she does not receive or earns money by the job, only circle code 5 "does not receive payment".