Questionnaire Text

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25. State or country of residence in 2010
In which state of the Mexican republic or in which country did [the respondent] live in March, 2010?
[Circle one code or write the name]

[] 1 Here, in this state
[] In another state ________ [record the state]
[] 3 In the United States of America
[] In another country ________ [record the country]

[Continue if the person is 12 or more years old]

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24. Municipality of residence in 2010 and 25. Entity or country of residence in 2010
These questions identify the Mexican municipality, state, or country where the person lived 5 years ago, in March 2010.

[Figures are omitted]

For question 24 "Municipality of residency in 2010", circle the code 1 if in March 2010 the person resided in the same municipality or delegation where you do the interview, and pass to question 26 "Marital Status". When the answer is that the person resided in another municipality or different delegation to the place of the interview, write it on the line.

If the informant mentions that he/she lived in another country, circle code 3 in the question "Municipality of Residence", and continue with the question 25 "Entity or country of residence".
If the answer is the name of a city, colony, or locality, ask to which municipality belongs and register it.

When you do not get accurate information, record the exact information on the corresponding line, without using abbreviations. If the person does not know the municipality, state, or country where was living, write "Do not know" on the line.

Ask for the state or country, even when the informant says he/she does not know the name of the municipality.

If the person says he/she lived in Mexico or Mexico City, ask whether it is the Federal District or state of Mexico and register district.