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20. Time to commute to school
How long does it take [the respondent] to get from here to school?
[Circle one code]

[] 1 Less than 15 minutes
[] 2 16 to 30 minutes
[] 3 31 minutes to 1 hour
[] 4 Between 1 and 2 hours
[] 5 More than 2 hours
[] 6 Does not commute [Skip to question 22]
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20. Time to commute to school
This question identifies how long the person takes regularly to go from his/her home to school.

[Figures are omitted]

Pay attention to the answer to circle the corresponding code. For example, if the person declares 10 minutes circle the code 1 "less than 15 minutes", or if the person says an hour and a half, circle the code 4 "between 1 and 2 hours".

Maybe the answer is not stated in not numerical terms, thus consider the following information:

[] A quarter hour is equivalent to 15 minutes.
[] Half hour is equivalent to 30 minutes.
[] Three quarters of an hour is equivalent to 45 minutes.

Circle the code 6 "does not commute" when the person studies by distance or online and therefore, he/she does have to attend an educational institution, and go to question 22 "Level of schooling".

Consider that the commute includes from the person leaves the house until he/she arrives at the school, regardless of the mean of transportation used by the person. This answer must include the time invested to go for taking the transport, the waiting time of the transport, and the transfer time in the transport (public or private vehicle, animal or manual traction), even if the person rides a bike or walk.

Do not account for the time that person spends in other activities on the way; even if those activities are done by the person or by the companion, such as going to play sports, or stopping to take a drink or some food. Therefore, explores the time spent by the person if he/she went directly to the school.

If the person does not go from dwelling to school, but goes from work or elsewhere, explores how long he/she would take travelling from the dwelling to school.