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1. Other income
Any person that lives in this dwelling receives money from:
[Read all the options and circle one code for each one]

Someone that lives in other country

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Someone that lives in other dwelling in the country

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Government's social programs (Prospera, Oportunidades, Adultos mayores, PROCAMPO, etc.)

[] 5 Yes
[] 6 No

Retirement or pension

[] 7 Yes
[] 8 No
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1. Other income
This question identifies houses where some members receive money from people who do not live in the house, from government programs, retirement, or pension.

[Figures are omitted]

Read the question and all its options, listen to the answer and circle the corresponding code to each option.

Because this question refers to money, record in the column "yes" those persons who receive money; while register in the column "no" those persons who receive help in-kind, such as pantries, school supplies, or clothes.

Money received in those options is different from other types of income because:

[] This money should be available for use, which means the possibility of being used by the family when required.
[] This money has not being returned or paid.
[] This money has already been received at least once and there is the promise of continuing to receive.
[] The frequency with which this money is received does not matter.

Some of the programs that provide cash support are:

[] Prospera, formerly called Oportunidades.
[] Adultos mayores (elderly adults) or pension for elderly adults.
[] Food support for children and family.
[] Scholarships.
[] Sin hambre (no hunger) card.
[] Procampo.
[] Agricultural workers.

People who receive retirement are those who fulfilled the working years or the age established and now they receive monthly money from the IMSS, ISSSTE, PEMEX, Defense, or Marine.

Money received from pensions can be for disabled workers, either temporary or permanently disabled by an illness or a work accident, or also pensions can be given by widowhood, food, or orphanage.