Questionnaire Text

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3. Verification
So, there are _ _ persons living in this household?
[Circle one code]

[] 1 Yes
[] 3 No [correct the number in the list of people]

[If the household has more than 6 persons, use another questionnaire and in the list of people of this new questionnaire change the numbers to 7, 8, 9, etcetera, according to their names].

[Return to question 25. Records the owner?s name and his/her person?s identification number].

[In section III, person?s characteristics, record the name of each resident of the household according to the order in which you recorded it on the list, then inquire the information].

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section II. List of People

This section contains questions that identify the number of people who are habitual residents of the dwelling, in addition to the family relationships between them.

1. List of persons
This question identifies all persons who are habitual residents of the dwelling.

[Figures are omitted]

Read the full question, avoid reducing or summarizing it, listen the answer and write the names in each of the lines, with no use of abbreviations, of all people who usually live in the dwelling, including small children and the elderly people.

In the first line, write the name of the head, which is recognized as such by the other residents of the dwelling; there can only be one, regardless of the gender. When the respondent does not identify anyone as head because the occupants of the dwelling are a group of friends, students, or other situation, records the first person mentioned in the first line.

If there are some people with the same first name and last name, type the full name and write in brackets his/her relationship with the head, so you can distinguish them throughout the interview.
When the dwelling has more than six people, use another questionnaire. In the "List of People" of the second questionnaire, annul the printed numbers and type the number "7" onwards until complete the total dwelling people. Do the same procedure if you require using more than one questionnaire in the dwelling.

After having the complete list, circle the number of the informant in the column of person's number. In case he/she has not given you prior information about him/her, ask which of the names suits him/her.

If you start with an informant and during the interview comes another occupant to provide more information, circle who have answered the greatest number of questions.
When the informant is in a second or third questionnaire, please ensure that before circling the number, you have corrected the numbering of 7 onwards.