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28. Financing
In order to pay for or build this dwelling, did the owner get credit from:
[Read the options and circle one code]

[] 3 A bank
[] 4 Another institution
[] 5 A loan from a relative, friend, or moneylender
[] 6 Used his/her own funds [skip to section II, list of people]
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28. Financing
The question aims to determine how the owner obtained the money or resources to build or pay the dwelling. Read the question mentioning each option until obtaining an affirmative answer and circle the appropriate code.

[Figures are omitted]

Takes into account the following considerations:

[] The INFONAVIT is the institute that manages the housing fund of workers who have Social Security.
[] The FOVISSSTE is the institute that manages the housing fund of workers of the federal government and autonomous organizations.
[] The PEMEX is an organization that provides to its workers credits to acquire or construct dwellings.
[] The FONHAPO is a popular housing fund which grants loans of small amount to low-income families to build a dwelling.
[] A bank refers to any banking institution.
[] Another institution refers to loans granted by housing institutions of the states, limited liability companies (Sofoles, Sofomes, and Sofipo), the Institute of Social Security for Mexican Armed Forces or another agency.
[] A friend, relative, or moneylender lent him/her money refers when the owner borrowed money from those persons to construct the dwelling.
[] He/she used his/her own resources when the owner bought the dwelling with his/her own money and did not get any type of credit of financing.

If the respondent answered that he/she obtained a mixed credit, i.e. a credit from INFONAVIT and another credit from a bank or FOVISSTE and also his/her own resources, record the first response. If the answer is "own resources", skip to Section II "List of People".