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27. Acquisition
Did the owner of this dwelling:
[Read the options and circle one code]

[] 1 Buy it already built
[] 2 Have it built
[] 3 Build it him/herself or with relatives
[] 4 Inherit it [skip to section II, list of people]
[] 5 Receive it as a form of government assistance [skip to section II, list of people]
[] 6 Obtained it in some other way [skip to section II, list of people]
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27. Acquisition

The purpose of the question is to know how the owner bought the dwelling.

[Figures are omitted]

Read the question and each option until obtaining an answer and circle the corresponding code. Consider the following criteria:

  • The owner bought the dwelling already built if he/she obtained it in exchange for a payment in cash or by a credit, so the dwelling could be fully paid or have a debt or mortgage. It is a finished dwelling that the owner bought from an individual or a company.
  • Take into account that the dwelling was purchased already built if it is ready to be inhabited, though the informants indicate that they constructed another room or they remodeled the dwelling after buying it.
  • He/she ordered the construction of the dwelling if he/she hired and paid to a worker, mason, architect, engineer, or building company for its construction.
  • The owner or some relatives constructed the dwelling if he/she or other occupants, relatives, or friends constructed the dwelling, so the owner did not hire or pay someone else.
  • He/she inherited the dwelling when it was acquired by a provision established in a testament or through a legal judgment. This option includes the dwelling inherited in life.
  • He/she received the dwelling as government support when it is given by any public institution because the former dwelling suffered a mishap such a natural disaster.
  • The owner obtained the dwelling in another way if he/she states that he/she got it in a raffle, the dwelling is occupied without permission of the owner, as well as any different situation from the previous mentioned before.
  • If the answer is "inherited it", "received is as government support", or "obtained in some other way", pass to the section II "List of People". Instead, if you circled codes 1 to 3, continue with the question 28 "Financing".