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14. Not piped-in water
So, do you get your water from:
[Read the options and circle one code]

[] 1 A well
[] 2 A communal tap
[] 3 Another dwelling
[] 4 A river, stream, or lake
[] 5 It is piped in
[] 6 It is collected from rainwater
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14. Not piped-in water
This question identifies the sources of water in case the occupants do not have piped water into the dwelling, and therefore they have to carry it or get it otherwise. That is, this question applies to dwellings with no tubes, faucets, or hoses where the occupants can obtain water. Read the question and each option until you get a response and circle the corresponding code.

[Figures are omitted]

Consider the following definitions and criteria:

  • A well is a hole where water is obtained. It may be near or far from the dwelling; owned by the occupants, a neighbor, or communal. The important point is that occupants take out the water from the well to transport it to their dwelling using buckets or other containers.
  • A community tap is a water faucet located in a public space, from which occupants carry water to the dwelling using buckets or other containers.
  • "Another dwelling" means that the occupants get water through a neighbor who has piped water, thy transport the water by carrying it.
  • The option "a river, stream, or lake" applies when the occupants get the liquid from these places and carry it in containers to the dwelling.
  • The option "it is piped-in" applies when a water truck brings the water to the dwelling or near it, depositing the water in basins or barrels where the occupants take it with buckets, pails, or other containers.
  • The option "it is collected from rainwater" is the situation in which the occupants of the dwelling build up this water in barrels, basins, or other containers and then they carry it for use in their daily activities.
  • If the water obtained by the occupants from a pipe or rain is stored in cisterns, water tanks, basins, or raised water tanks, and these have pipes or hoses to supply water to other dwelling' facilities, therefore they do have piped water, so you must registered it in question 12.