Questionnaire Text

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I. Dwelling Characteristics
[Questions 1-19 were not asked of mobile dwellings, shelter and premises not intended for habitation]

19. Goods and computer and communication services
Do they have the following in this dwelling?

Read all the options and circle just one code for each option.


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Washing machine

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Car or truck

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Landline phone

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Cell phone

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

6.3 Section I. Housing characteristics

In this section, instructions will be presented for the questions that investigate the characteristics of the private inhabited dwellings.

If the class of the private inhabited dwellings is a premise not intended for inhabitation, a mobile dwelling, a shelter, or a collective dwelling, don't apply this section. Start the interview with the section II, List of People.

19. Goods and TIC
The objective is to investigate if the occupants of the dwelling have at their disposal electric home appliances, automobiles, or articles and services of information and communication technologies (TIC).

The radio refers to whatever appliance that permits one to listen to some frequency (AM and FM) of public broadcasting.

If they inform you that some appliance or automobile belongs to the business or institution where one of the dwelling occupants works, consider that they do not have it.