Questionnaire Text

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For people 5 years old or older

3.5 Place of residence five years ago
Five years ago, in October of 2000, in what state of the Republic or in what country did (Name) live?
Mark a single answer or write down

[] 1 Here, in this state

In another state
Write down the name of the state

[] 2 In the United States of America
[] 3 In another country

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.9 and 3.10 are asked to people who are 5 years old or older. For this, check the answer that you wrote down in question 3.3 Age.

If a person who you are interviewing is less than 5 years old, go to the next person in the list.

3.5 Place of residence five years ago

The objective of the question is to know where that person lived in October 2000.

If a person declares to reside in a different state than the one where the interview takes place, mark Here, in this state.

If a person lived in a different state than that of the interview, write down the name of the federal entity in the boxes In another state.

[To the right of the text is a form for 3.5 Place of residence five years ago.]

Keep in mind the Republic of Mexico is divided into 32 federal entities and they are commonly known by the following names:

[Below the text is a list of the 32 federal entities.]

[p. 75]

If they respond with the name of a place different than those in the list, for example, that of municipality (delegation), city, community, locality or colony, ask in what state of the Republic of Mexico it is located and write it down in the boxes. If you do not succeed in identifying the state that it belongs to, write down the answer given to you.

When an informant responds with Mexico or Mexico City, ask for clarification if it is the Federal District of the state of Mexico. If an informant is not able to determine it, but knows the name of the municipality or delegation, register it in this manner.

If a person lived anywhere in the United States of America, mark option 2.

If a person lived away from Mexico and in a country other than the United States of America, mark circle 3 In another country.