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2.3 Number of households
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2.3 Number of households

The objective of this question is to know the number of households that there are in the dwelling.

Remember that a household is a collection of people who habitually reside in the dwelling and who share expenses, principally for eating.

[Below the text is a form for 2.3 Number of households.]

To respond correctly to these questions, you should consider the following:
- A person forms part of a household if residing habitually in the dwelling.
- A person who lives alone and does not share eating expenses with other people although living in the same dwelling, constitutes a household.
- In the same dwelling, people can reside who although they have ties of kinship between them, do not share the same eating expenses, therefore, consider both households and expenses separate.

[p. 66]
- In other dwellings, there can be residents who do not have ties of kinship, but who share expenses for food and drink, for example students, workers or friends. As all of them share expenses for food, it should be considered that they form a single household.

If in the first question they tell you Yes, it means that there is only one household in the dwelling and you should go to question 2.4 List of people.

If they respond No, ask the next question to know how many households exist in the dwelling and register the answer you get with a number.