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2.2 Agricultural, livestock and forestry activities
Do any of these people have or manage land where the earth is seeded or cultivated, animals are raised or trees are felled for wood?
Mark a single answer
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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2.2 Agricultural, livestock and forestry activities

With this question it is identified if any occupants of a dwelling uses land that is under their responsibility, whether their property or not, in which are done:

[Below the text is a form for 2.2 Agricultural, livestock and forestry activities.]

- Agricultural activities: like seeding plants, planting fruit trees or pastoral cultivations.
- Livestock activities: like raising, feeding or shelter of animals on their property, like cows, pigs, chickens, goats, horses, mules, etc.
- Forestry activities: getting benefits from the cutting of trees for wood or charcoal, the cultivation of flowers, plants and trees in a nursery or greenhouse, and the collecting of resin, sap, rubber, gum, wax and others.