Questionnaire Text

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For women who are twelve years old or more

35. Date of birth

In what month and year was the last son or daughter born (live birth)?
Write the month and year

____ Month
____ Year

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

35. Data of birth, 36. Survival, and 37. Age at death

[Depictions of these three questions on the enumeration form]

With these questions you obtain the date of birth of the last daughter or son who was born alive, if this daughter or son is currently living and, if they've died, their age when they died.

If, for the date of birth, the person only remembers the month but not the year, record a 9 in each of the boxes for month and year. If they remember the year but not the month, record the complete year and 99 in the boxes for month.

[P. 86]

When the last daughter or son is deceased, ask their age at the time of death and only record one piece of information, whether it be in days, months, or years. If the informant doesn't remember at what age this daughter (son) passed away, record 99 in the boxes for days.