31. Other income
In total how much money did this person earn for:
Read all of the options and circle the code according to the answers. In the affirmative categories, ask "How much did you earn" and write the amount received in pesos and the period.
1 Weekly
2 Bi-weekly
3 Monthly
4 Yearly
[Circle the answer, the first number is affirmative, the second number is negative]
Retirement or pension
1 Yes
2 No
How much?
$ _ _ _ , _ _ _ Write the amount
____ Write the period
Help from relatives who are in another country [3-4]
3 Yes
4 No
How much?
$ _ _ _ , _ _ _ Write the amount
____ Write the period
Help from relatives who are in this country [5-6]
5 Yes
6 No
How much?
$ _ _ _ , _ _ _ Write the amount
____ Write the period
Procampo or Progresa
7 Yes
8 No
How much?
$ _ _ _ , _ _ _ Write the amount
____ Write the period
Other types of scholarships, investments or bank interest
1 Yes
2 No
How much?
$ _ _ _ , _ _ _ Write the amount
____ Write the period