Questionnaire Text

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30. In what municipality is the business, company or place where the person worked located?

1 Here in this municipality (Continue with question 31)

In another municipality

_____Write the municipality

In what state (or country)?

3 Here in this state

In another state or country

_____Write the state or country

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30. Place of Work

[Depiction of this completed question on the enumeration form]

If the municipality or delegation reported is the same as where the interview is being conducted, circle code 1. Here, in this municipality or delegation and continue with question 31.

If the person's job is in a different municipality than the interview, record the one that they report to you and ask for the state or country that it belongs to.

When the state reported is the same as where the interview is being conducted, circle code 3. Here, in this state.

[P. 84]

If they give you the name of a neighborhood or locality and the informant doesn't know what municipality it belongs to, record it as they report it to you in the space for "in another municipality or delegation" and ask for the entity (state).

If the answer is Mexico or Mexico City, ask them to clarify whether they mean the Federal District or the state of Mexico.

When the person does their job in different municipalities because they don't have a fixed place of work, such as can be the case with own-account workers, record the municipality of delegation where they regularly work. If the informant doesn't know what one this is, record doesn't have a fixed place of work, in the space for In another municipality or delegation.