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26. Work benefits

Does this person receive for his or her work?

Read all of the options and circle the number according to the answer.
[Circle the first number if the answer is yes, circle the second number if the answer is no]

Paid vacations
1 Yes
2 No

Christmas bonus
3 Yes
4 No

Profit sharing
5 Yes
6 No

Medical services (IMSS, ISSSTE, or other)
7 Yes
8 No

Pension or retirement savings (SAR or AFORE)
1 Yes
2 No

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26. Work Benefits

[Depiction of this completed question on the enumeration form]

With this question we find out the work benefits that employees, manual laborers, day laborers, and unskilled laborers receive from the company, factory, or other place where they worked last week.

If any of these people has more than one job, ask them to describe all of the work benefits they receive.