Questionnaire Text

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For persons twelve years old or more

22. Economic activity status

Read all of the options until you receive an affirmative response.
Circle only one answer.

Last week, this person:

1 Worked (Continue with question 24)
2 Had a job but didn't work (Continue with question 24)
3 Looked for work
4 Is a student
5 Does housework
6 Retired
7 Permanently incapacitated to work (Continue with question 31)
8 Didn't work

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

22. Condition of Activity and 23. Verification of Activity

These questions identify those people who worked the previous week, as well as those who did not work.

For the purposes of the census, a person worked the week before the census if, for at least one hour, they carried out activities for the production or elaboration of some product or for performing some service. It is also considered work if they carried out agricultural or livestock activities for family consumption.

[Depiction of these two completed questions on the enumeration form]

[P. 77]

Ask the question regarding condition of activity of all people 12 years old or older, to find out if they worked, had a job but did not work, sought work, are a student, dedicated themselves to household chores in their own home, are retired or drawing a pension, are permanently unable to work, or simply did not work.

Take into account that option 1. Did you work? and 2. Do you have a job, but did not work? are for people who had a job during the previous week.

[2 Drawings representing option 1]

When you ask did you work? And they respond that the person works on household chores in their own household, circle the code for option 5. Did you dedicate yourself to household chores?

If the person did not work because they were on vacation, was on medical leave, the machinery was broken, there were no basic materials, or they were waiting for the rainy season to begin to plant, consider the person as having a job, but did not work.

[2 Drawings representing this last condition]

[P. 78]

Ask the question verification of activity only of people who did not have a job the previous week (options 3 thru 6 and 8 for the question condition of activity).

This question is asked in order to find out if the person carried out any of the activities mentioned, regardless of whether they spend very little time doing them, earn little or nothing, carry them out on the street, in private homes, or in their own house.

In reading this question, change what is in parentheses to what the person reported in condition of activity.


Besides being a student, did Lorenzo help with a family business during the past week?

[Depiction of this completed question on the enumeration form, and a related drawing]

In mentioning the options you can use examples from your region.

Once you have recorded in condition of activity that the person worked (option 1) or had a job but did not work (option 2) last week, or that they carried out some activity included in verification of activity, options 1 thru 5, continue with questions 24 thru 30 in order to find out the type of work that they performed.

For people who reported in the question on condition of activity that during the past week they had a job but did not work (option 2) ask for the characteristics of the work that they normally do.