Questionnaire Text

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7. Cause of the disability

This person has the disability because:
Read all of the options until you receive an affirmative response.
Circle only one answer.

1 Born this way
2 Illness
3 Accident
4 Old age
Another cause.
_____Write the cause.

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7. Cause of Disability

When a person has more than one disability that limits them, ask which one creates the most difficulties in carrying out their daily activities, and what caused it.

In option 1, include people who were born that way because of causes that originated during the pregnancy and at the time of birth, be they hereditary or not.

[P. 69]

In option 3, include all causes originated by accidents that occurred anywhere; for example, at work, in the street, in the home, or in other places. Also include acts of violence as accidental causes (assaults, fights, police action, war, and others).

Any cause different than the options presented should be written under by other causes.