Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 1.9-1.12 were asked of dwellings that had sanitary services.]

1.11 Water connection
Does (mention the service) [sanitary services per question 1.8] have a water connection?

[] 3 Yes. Go to 1.13
[] 4 No

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1.11 Water connection

With this question the quality of service is known in part, since it finds out if there is a mechanism or connection (lever, chain, pedal, etc.), that activates the direct discharge of water from a deposit (box), which permits the elimination of residual waters (excrement), to the drain.

If the sanitary service has a connection of water, circle code 3, do not ask question 1.12 Admission of water, and go to question 1.13 Drainage. When the service does not have a water connection, circle code 4 and continue with the next question.