Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 1.9-1.12 were asked of dwellings that had sanitary services.]

1.10 Exclusive sanitary services
Do only the occupants of this dwelling use (Mention the service) [sanitary services per question 1.8]?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

1.10 Exclusive sanitary service

This question differentiates the dwellings with their own or exclusive sanitary instillation from those that do not have it, that is, the occupants share the service with other dwellings located within the same piece of land.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

When asking this question, mention the type of service that the informant declared in question 1.9 (well, lavatory, etc.)

If only occupants of a dwelling use the service, circle code 1. On the contrary, circle code 2.

Also when there is more that one dwelling in the same piece of land or lot and the occupants are family members who say that the lavatory is for the use of the family, find out if a lavatory exists for each dwelling or if there is only one for all dwellings.