18. Income
How much does this person earn for their work? Write the number for only one answer
_____ For two weeks
_____ Monthly
_____ Yearly
[ ] No Income (Mark with an X)
Continue with person two and so on.
18. Income
With this question we want to know how much the person earns for his/her work; take into account all of the income that the person receives for his/her work.
If the person has more than one job, write the sum of the incomes that he/she receives for all jobs.
If the informant answers that the person receives "the minimum", ask that the informant tell you how much the minimum wage is, and how often the person gets paid, so that you can do the math and write the answer in the corresponding space.
When they tell you a daily wage, ask: how many days a week did you work?, do the corresponding multiplication an write the answer in the space for "weekly". You should write the answer according to what the informant tells you; if the person receives income weekly, you should write the answer under "weekly"; if the pay is biweekly, you should write the answer under "Biweekly", etc.
Remember to use only the space that correspond to what the informant declares, and write the complete amount in numbers.
If the person declares to not receive income, mark:
Does not receive income [x] 0
-In my morning job, I earn five hundred thousand pesos biweekly and in the afternoon job, I earn only three hundred thousand, also biweekly.
-500,000 + 300,000= 800,000
18. Income
How does this person earn for his/her work?
Write only one answer in numbers
Weekly [__] 1
Biweekly [ 800,000] 2
Monthly [__] 3
Yearly [__] 4
Mark with an x
Does not receive income [ ] 0
-For the sale of the harvest this year, my husband got four million pesos.
18. Income
How does this person earn for his/her work?
Write only one answer in numbers
Weekly [__] 1
Biweekly [__] 2
Monthly [__] 3
Yearly [4,000,000] 4
Mark with an x
Does not receive income [ ] 0
-My daughter earns fifteen thousand pesos a day.
-and how many days does she work a week?
-from Monday to Friday.
-15,000 x 5= 75,000.
18. Income
How does this person earn for his/her work?
Write only one answer in numbers
Weekly [75,000] 1
Biweekly [__] 2
Monthly [__] 3
Yearly [__] 4
Mark with an x
Does not receive income [ ] 0
[End of illustration]