Questionnaire Text

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Children ever born [Questions B20-B26]
[Questions B20-B30 were asked of women age 12 and older]

Children born since September 1997
[Questions B27-B30]

How many children has this woman borne since September 1997? If none, enter "0".

B27. Male _
B28. Female _

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Part B: Characteristics of Individual Household Members

5. Women age 12 years or older
Questions B20 to B30 should be asked only of women aged 12 years or more.

B27-B28. How many children has this woman borne since September, 1997?
Ask each woman age 12 years or older the number of males or females she has borne alive during the past 12 months: that is, since September 1997 to date. Record the number of male births in column B27 and of female births in column B28.
Note: If you are conducting your interviews on, say, 10 September, 1998, you should ask the respondent how many children the woman had borne during the period 11 September, 1997 and 10 September, 1998 (the day of your visit). If your interview is on 15 September, 1998, then you will be collecting number of births to a woman during the period 16 September, 1997 and the day of your visit, that is, 15 September, 1998. Suppose the respondent tells you that a member of the household gave birth to a male child on 24 December, 1997: you should record "1" in column B27 and "0" in column B28.