Questionnaire Text

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[Questions B16-B19 are for persons age 10 and older]

B16. Marital status

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Widowed
[] 3 Divorced/separated
[] 4 Never married

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Part B: Characteristics of Individual Household Members

4. Persons age 10 years or older

Marital status: It is important that you first ask if each member of the household age 10 years or older has ever been married. If "Yes", find out if he or she is currently married, divorced or widowed; if "No", you will record the marital status of the person as never married. Alternatively, you may ask the question "Are you married?" In this case it is necessary to ensure that the answer given by the respondent to your question on this topic is precise. For instance, when a person says "I am not married" ("sindili pa banja" or "sindinakwatire") you may not be able to know whether she is a divorcee, or a widow or has never married at all unless you probe further.

B16. Marital status: Ask each person aged 10 years or more about his/her current marital status. Enter the appropriate code for the response in column B16.