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[Questions B10-B15 are for persons age 5 and older]

B15. Education: highest qualification attained?

[] 0 None
[] 1 PSLC
[] 2 JC
[] 3 MSCE
[] 4 GCE "A" Level
[] 5 Diploma
[] 6 Degree

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Part B: Characteristics of Individual Household Members

3. Persons age 5 years or older

Highest qualification attained: This means one had sat for an examination of a certain class in the formal education system (i.e. primary/secondary school or university) which he/she passed and was awarded a certificate of recognition (e.g. PSLC, JC, MSCE, GCE "A level", University diploma or degree).
If, for example, someone reached Form 4 but did not pass MSCE, then his highest qualification attainment is JC and not MSCE. If someone went up to standard 8 but did not obtain the Primary School Leaving Certificate, he must be regarded as having no education qualification; that is his highest educational qualification will be "None".

B15. Highest qualification attained: Ask the respondent about the highest education qualification attained by each member of the household age 5 years and older. Write down the appropriate code in column B15.
It is important that you should first of all find out exactly what certificate the household member is currently holding before filling column B15.