Questionnaire Text

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Individual form

[Question P23 to P34 for persons aged 12 years and over]

P24. Number of hours worked during reference week _ _

Write the total number of hours, the person worked for pay, profit or family gain during the week from Monday 27 June to Sunday 3 July 2011. (If worked for 1 hour or more, go to P29) _ _

P25. Whether temporarily away from work

State whether there was a job, business, family enterprise or agricultural holding or farm, at which the person did not work because of illness, injury, holiday, industrial dispute, off-season inactivity, temporary disorganization, etc.

[] Y: Yes
[] N: No

If [Yes] go to P29

P26. Job search

State if, during the past 4 weeks, the person took any active steps to look for work or set up a business of his/her own

[] Y: Yes
[] N: No

P27. Availability for work

State if, during the past 4 weeks, the person was available for work.

[] Y: Yes
[] N: No
If [No], give reason as follows:
[] 1 Household Duties
[] 2 Studies
[] 3 Disability, illness, injury
[] 4 Wholly retired
[] 5 Other - specify____

P28. When last worked _ _ _

How many months ago did the person work for the last time, even for a few days? Write the number of completed months. _ _ _

If person never worked, write [998] and stop here. Else, continue with P29
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6. Population census topics and their usefulness

P24, P25, P26 and P27 - Current Activity
The questions on type of activity during the past week (current activity), coupled with others, provide detailed information on the geographical distribution and characteristics of the employed and unemployed population. The information is of fundamental importance for making manpower projections and for formulating programs aimed at making the most effective use of the human resources of the country.

P28 - When last worked
When last worked supplements the information on type of activity and also assists in the analysis of unemployment by duration.

8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire

P24 - Hours worked during the past week
[figure omitted]

For the purposes of the Census, work is defined as any work, except volunteer work and housework in the person's own home. It includes:

(i) work done for wages, salaries, commissions, fees and piece-rate payments;
(ii) work done for payment in kind, e.g. services rendered by a member of a religious order who is provided with lodging or food or other supplies;
(iii) work done by a self-employed person (alone or in partnership) in his/her own enterprise, trade, business, farm or professional practice, whether alone or with employees;
(iv) work done without pay in a family enterprise, plantation or farm owned by a member of the same household or another relative;
(v) work done by apprentices and trainees, whether paid or unpaid.

For every person aged 12 years and over, indicate the number of hours worked for pay, profit or family gain during the week from Monday 27 June to Sunday 3 July 2011.

Time spent on activities such as shop-keeping; growing vegetables or other crops; livestock or poultry keeping; fishing; making and repairing fishing boats, nets and basket traps; curing and preserving fish and octopus; making baskets, hats, mats and bags; making handicraft products; preparing food products for sale; construction and repair of own dwelling and buildings used for agricultural, commercial and industrial purposes; keeping tea shops; street vending, etc. should also be included in the total number of hours worked.

Insert the actual number of hours worked by the person, irrespective of whether it is less or more than his/her normal hours of work per week. Include overtime hours and short rest periods such as tea breaks; but exclude lunch hours as well as period of sick leave, casual leave, time-off, etc.

If the person did several kinds of work during the past week, insert the total number of hours worked at all jobs. E.g. if during the past week, he/she has worked for 36 hours as teacher, 6 hours giving private tuition, and another 7 hours assisting in the family shop, write "49" hours in the boxes provided as shown below:
[figure omitted]

Report also the number of hours, if any, worked during the past week, by a student, an old age pensioner, a worker retired from a previous employment or a home-maker who has worked outside his/her home.

For a person who did not work during the past week for any reason whatsoever, or if he/she worked for less than one hour, write "0" in the boxes:
[figure omitted]

Note: If the person worked for one or more hours during the past week; go to P29.

P25 - Whether temporarily away from work
[figure omitted]

If the person was temporarily away from work, shade box "Y" and go to P29; otherwise shade box "N" and continue with P26.

P26 - Job search
[figure omitted]

Shade box "Y" if the person took any active steps to look for work or to set up a business of his/her own, any time during the past 4 weeks. The person is considered to have taken active steps if he/she has checked with employers or at private residences, factories and work sites, placed or answered job advertisements, sought assistance and advice to set up his/her own enterprise, maintained registration with an Employment Exchange, etc.

If the person did not take any active steps to look for work or set up a business during the past 4 weeks, shade box "N".

P27 - Availability for work
[figure omitted]

If the person was available for work during the past week, shade box "Y" and go to question P28- When last worked.

If the person was not available for work during the past week, shade box "N" and give the reason by shading the appropriate box. Please note that

- 1 Household duties applies to a person who was engaged in or helping with household duties in his/her own home;
- 2 Studies applies to a person who was studying;
- 3 Disability, illness, injury applies to a person who was sick, injured or disabled;
- 4 Wholly retired applies to a wholly retired person;
- 5 Other applies to a person who was not available for work because of other reasons. In this case, write the reason in the adjacent boxes e.g. person not interested to work, child not going to school and too young to work, etc. An example is given below.

[figure omitted]

P28 - When last worked
[figure omitted]

For a person who has worked before, write the number of completed months that have elapsed since he/she last worked. If the person last worked for only a few days (less than 1 month), write 0.

[For a person who has never worked; write "998" and stop here.]

Questions 29 to 34 refer to the person's work during the reference week Monday 27 June to Sunday 3 July 2011. If the person is retired or had no job during that week, answer for his/her last job. If the person has more than one job, answer for the job at which he/she worked the most hours