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Current field of study

Codes and Frequencies


141Teacher training (general)35
142Teacher training with specialisation in a non-vocational subject (e.g. history, languages, natural sciences, mathematics, geography)37
144Teacher training for teaching pre-school or kindergarten42
199Other teacher training and education sciences18
Humanities and arts
215Audio-visual techniques and media production86
222Foreign languages and cultures89
223Oriental languages60
299Other humanities and arts77
Social sciences, business and law
316Other social and behavioural sciences 33
320Journalism, reporting, library, information, and archive54
341Wholesale and retail sales26
342Marketing and advertising66
343Finance, banking, insurance173
344Accounting, auditing and taxation515
345Management 456
347Business administration 144
349Other courses in business administration27
381Law (general, international, labor, maritime, etc)136
421Biology and biochemistry34
481Computer science391
482Computer use34
499Other sciences49
Engineering, manufacturing and construction
521Mechanical engineering53
524Electricity and energy64
526Electronics and automation137
527Chemical and process31
528Motor vehicles, ships and aircraft 50
529Other engineering courses59
541Food and drink processing43
581Architecture and town planning35
582Civil and building engineering123
599Other engineering, manufacturing, and construction64
Health and welfare
722Nursing and caring54
799Other health and welfare88
811Hotel, restaurant and catering73
812Travel, tourism and leisure95
815Hair and beauty services57
854Labour protection and security41
899Other services52
998No other education or unknown12,320
999NIU (not in universe)109,957