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Individual form

P09A. Usual address

State if usual address is:

[] 1 Here [If usual address is [Here], go to P10A]
[] 2 Elsewhere in the Republic of Mauritius
[] 3 Outside the Republic of Mauritius
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6. Population census topics and their usefulness

P08 and P09A - Whereabouts on Census night and usual address
The data are used to estimate the population present in an area on Census night as well as the usual resident population of that area.

8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire

P09A and P09B - Usual address
[figure omitted]

Shade box "1 Here" for a person who usually lives at this address, and go to P10A, even if he/she was temporarily away on Census night (e.g., on night work, staying temporarily with relatives, on vacation elsewhere in Mauritius, in secondary residence, in hospital, on business trip, studying abroad, on vacation outside Mauritius).

If the person does not usually live at this address but lives elsewhere in the country, shade box "2 Elsewhere in Mauritius" and write his/her usual address at P09B. You should specify the Municipal Ward or Village Council Area where possible. If the person has more than one usual address, write the address of his/her principal residence at P09B as below

[figure omitted]

Note: Use a separator "X" to distinguish Street/Road/Lane, Locality and Town/Village.

For persons on visit to Mauritius, shade box "3 Outside the Republic of Mauritius" and write the country of residence at P09B as below: