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Field of highest educational attainment

Codes and Frequencies


001General degrees in teacher training27
003Teacher training for teaching practical or vocational subjects (e.g. fine arts, home economics, woodwork, metal work, commercial subjects)653
006Teacher training for teaching handicapped persons98
008Other training in education science and teacher training56
009General degrees in fine and applied arts73
016Other fine and applied arts, apparel design, textile design93
017General degrees in humanities73
018Living European languages and their literature189
019Oriental languages and their literature94
025Other humanities46
026Christian religions and theology26
027Hindu religions and theology359
028Muslim religions and theology310
029Other degrees in religion and theology (including comparative religion and theology)76
032Political science316
033Sociology (including demography)57
036Other degrees in social and behavioural sciences (including anthropology and regional cultures)29
037General degrees in business administration (including commerce)204
038Business administration with specialization in accountancy, record keeping, and auditing887
039Business administration with specialization in banking, finance and investment27
040Other degrees in business or public administration90
042Degree in law (including comparative law, company law, etc.), notaries, and attorneys422
045Biological science (including botany, entomology, microbiology, zoology)71
047Physics (including electronics and atomic and nuclear physics)65
049Other natural science degrees (astronomy, oceanography, etc.)51
050General degrees in mathematics288
051Statistics and actuarial mathematics34
052Computer science195
053Other mathematics and computer science degrees113
054Hygiene and public health175
055Medicine and surgery163
058Dentistry, stomatology, odontology40
059Pharmacy and pharmaceutical practice42
060Other medical diagnostic and treatment degrees58
061Chemical engineering30
062Civil engineering83
063Electrical and electronics engineering53
064Industrial engineering (e.g. production planning, organization and methods engineering)34
065Mechanical engineering (including marine, aeronautical and automotive engineering)61
067Forestry engineering37
068Fishery engineering90
071Other engineering or architecture degrees42
073General degrees in agriculture34
079Food sciences and technology49
084Other agriculture, forestry and fishery degrees99
085Home economics31
089Radio and television broadcasting119
090Public relations31
092Library science105
094Civil security and military science74
095Social welfare39
097Environmental studies47
098Physical education33
999NIU (not in universe)111,782