Questionnaire Text

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[Type of house]
[] 1 Household owns house/ger
[] 2 Shared house
[] 3 Dormitory or other house

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Household owns house/ger The enumerator should ask how many households live in a particular house or ger. If there are more than two households, the enumerator should start by counting the household that owns the house/ger. For the household that owns the house/ger, the enumerator should circle code "1". Households should decide who the owner is themselves. If households cannot decide who the owner is, then the owner can be identified as the household that has lived in this house/ger the longest or that has more members or a household head who is older than the others. The enumerator should warn that this does not imply legal ownership. For the population census, the purpose for noting on the questionnaire who is the owner is to avoid duplication of estimation for living area. Further legal ownership does not matter for other indicators. The enumerator should explain this clearly to the respondents.

Shared house The enumerator should mark code "2" for other households aside from that which owns the house/ger.

Dormitory or other house The enumerator should use code "3" for households that live in student, school pupil and employee dormitories; military divisions; hospitals; holiday homes; sanatoriums and caring homes; housetops/roofs; porches; ducts of a heating system; forests and cliffs.